Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Sovereignty is the power of a state to do everything necessary to govern itself, such as making, executing, and applying laws; imposing and collecting taxes; making war and peace; and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations. China Leader Says No Compromising Sovereignty is a relatively new article that expresses China's refusal to give up it's sovereignty. The leader of China, Xi Jinping firmly stood by China's stand on security and development interests in front of the ruling Communist Party's Politburo that consisted of 25 members. Recent territorial disputes with Japan and other neighboring countries encouraged these remarks. It was shown on television during an evening new broadcast. Having everyone see how serious you are about protecting the well being of your states power and interests, I have to say was an outstanding move. Not only does it spark an immediate respect from other states, the people of China should be very proud. China promotes peace and friendship with all neighboring countries but will not hesitate to take forceful measures if anyone challenges their country's sovereignty. I am all for sovereignty. I believe each and every state should have ultimate authority within their territorial boundaries, unless it has a very unfair inhumane government policy. Unfortunately we live in a world of separation. We have borders that separate us from one another and I believe every state has a right to determine what goes on inside its borders. Imagine if we as people had no sovereignty? What if we had no right to determine what goes on in our own life? It would suck wouldn’t it? I mean yes we pay taxes and abide by laws so we really can't do what we want, but technically we're not slaves lol. I happen to appreciate our government. We pay taxes but in return we get things like welfare and military. The freedom we have here is incomparable to other states, and to see a place like China stand so assertively on it, the more it makes me appreciate it. I would hate to lose our sovereignty, and would hate to see another place lose theirs.