Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Guantanamo Bay

Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp, "also known as Gitmo or GTMO, is a group of high security prisons or detainee centers, run by the US Military and located in Cuba at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base." In 1970, this base was intended for Haitian and Cuban refugees. These refugees were caught trying to escape to the U.S. It was later abandoned once the U.S. Supreme Court later ruled that this was illegal.

The base was reestablished after the September 11th terrorists attacks. The detention camp presently holds people deemed "unlawful combatants". Anyone suspected of terrorism, including US citizens and people from foreign countries are held here.
A Prisoner Calls President Obama Out on Guantanamo Bay is a article about "a man held prisoner for more than a decade describes the abuse he's suffered at the hands of the present administration." This article was published yesterday (April 16, 2013) at 6:03 AM.

This man has been held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay for eleven years without any charges or even a defense trial. Even though he is said to pose no threat to the United States and has been cleared for release, he will be held indefinitely.

Thus man is undergoing painful force-feeding because he has been on a a hunger strike since February 10th. He has lost well over 30 pounds and will not eat until they restore his dignity. He described the force-feeding as very painful and degrading. They tie him to a chair two times a day and insert a tube 18 inched into his stomach, and when he begs for them to stop they refuse.

Numerous amount of human rights activists and organizations from the U.S. and other countries find this detention camp to be not only unlawful but inhumane. They are currently being held without the right to counsel and are undergoing harsh interrogation techniques, including water-boarding and other forms of torture.
This is one of the worse things I have ever heard. I understand the that the safety of our country is very important, but no one should have to undergo this type of treatment ever in life. President Obama has yet to close this detention center, but I have hopes that maybe one day he will.
Guantanamo Bay detention camp is located in Cuba.

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