Tuesday, February 12, 2013


A democracy “is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.” I have always considered the United States to be a democracy, but after further research, I found out that the U.S is not a democracy, but a republic, a Federal Constitutional Republic to be more precise.” A republic is where the rule of law governs the nation. But here in the US not only does the law govern us but it also governs the government. It limits their power.” We the people of the United States have the right to vote for who we want to represent us. Thankfuly this right has progressed. Lately there have been ballots that consisted of law passing questions instead of just candidates, therefore,“the type of system we employ is a representative form of democracy” The article Democracy is Under Challenge under Zambia is about Zambia (which is located in southern Africa) experiencing a lack of democracy while gaining statehood. Zambia became independent in 1964. Unlike the United States, who gained their independence in 1776. Since Zambia is relatively new to independence there has been a major concern that their government has been manipulating power to their advantage lately, which exemplifies their undemocratic government from the past. Zambia's government have been accused of government interference and corruption, banning and blocking political events, and arresting competitive leaders. I honestly believe that most democratic countries, if not all have a treacherous government. Do I believe this right, of course not, but with that being said, there's not much we can do about it. Yes, we have the right to vote and can do things like petition and protest (just to name a few) if we have a major concern with the way things are being conducted, but overall we have a very limited say in what goes on. Over time, we as a people have gained a lot more say in how our government operates, so in the near future I am almost certain and hopeful that this trend will continue. After all, without us, there is no one to govern so why not listen to us, we are the people who have to live by these laws.

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